IHM Meerut is ranked as 2nd best Hospitality School amongst private Institutions in the country and the best in U.P.

IHM Meerut has continuously been ranked amongst top five private hospitality schools by in the country GHRDC since the inception of the ranking by GHRDC.

IHM Meerut was established in the year 1987, which makes it one of the oldest hospitality institutes in this part of the country. The institute is located about 70 km from New Delhi in an ideal academic ambience far away from the noise and pollution of the city.

IHM Meerut is the first private hospitality institute to get the coveted affiliation of National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Min. of Tourism, Govt. of India.

The Institute’s different campuses have a reputation of 100% placement and their alumnus occupies good position in all parts of the globe.

The Institute strives to inculcate discipline of the highest order which is pre -requisite for hospitality industry and with this purpose in mind; the institute has a retired senior officer of Indian Army as the Director General of the Institute.

The Institute is the first hospitality institute in this part of the country to get All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) approval.

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